miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Success Factors in social Media Marketing

Social networks and marketing, 2009 was the year of the expansion of social networks, the 2010 is the consolidation of these applications as a space to develop marketing and communication strategies.
There's no business that wants to be in social media, and are having to learn very quickly to take advantage of all opportunities offered by the users to share content with one or another form. The Web in real time, the active assessment of consumers and advertising 2.0 are key factors that determine corporate success and will leave behind companies that do not know adapter
Communication and Marketing are some of the sectors that have evolved rapidly in recent years. Internet and new media have made it possible that every day there are new solutions, tools and business models that are to be the revolution in the coming years.
The video shows what types of SoM platforms are used. Facebook is the most used.
Recently an investigation was made between suppliers, agencies and experts to determine the criteria for success and develop a work plan for the best practices for companies through Facebook pages.

However, the findings of the study indicated that nearly half the brands tested did not really exploit the potential and possibilities of social networks to activate the effect of "word of mouth", which is considered the most characteristic behavior of this type of media .

However, in this scenario "slightly ripe" highlights some brands such as Pampers, Macy's, Kohl's, or Axe found on the right track when you achieve success in marketing in Facebook pages

1 comentario:

  1. Dear ALmU, would you mind sharing the source of the study where brands were tested about their social media behaviour?

    thx, clemens
