lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

Social networking and Tourism

Social networking websites have invaded and are today the most widely used serviceon the Internet after email.
It is for this that have gained massive services like Facebook and Hi-5 among manyothers, that tourism has had to collect 2.0 usage trends to attract users, to attract attention and to participate actively where the action takes place: within social networks.
But besides that have become massive social networks are causing a shift in how we connect to the Internet and use it.
And is that more and more aspects of everyday life that are a reflection on the Net because they are more and more things we do electronically, using a variety of internet services that are integrated into a network.
Search, find, store, manage, share, are actions that repeatedly performed on the we band social networks have managed to integrate in their proposals and services.
It is because social networks have taken our social issues more forcefully on the Internet, leaving a click away the power to contact a colleague, friend, customer or supplier. Naturally, tourism services could not stay away from streaming worldwide.
The reason is simple and is what pushed the professionals and businesses to be within the networks: a world of possibilities to expand the virtual real and get thousands of potential customers with only posting a message on the wall seems a tempting one to advertise cheap, and it is.
Because social networks are also a place of relaxation, a medium that has become massive and unlimited where users are looking for everything they need and share it with those who know they may be interested.
In other words, social networks are today what the mouth was half a century ago, only enhanced by technology and crowded by the lack of boundaries that allows the web.
If you want to test you just use Facebook to look for tourist services, become a Fan of tourist destinations, check billboards, chasing rock bands and learn more about everything that interests you.

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