miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

MoBiLe AppLicAtionS

In the past year, Google has been promoting its operating system (OS) for mobile phones, named Android. In recent months, have already launched several terminals with this OS, but there is still no official distribution in Latin America. But as part of the process of momentum to Android, Google has begun to promote a range of applications. One is Places Directory, aimed at tourists visiting other cities.

Places Directory to find relevant information to users from wherever they are. For example, if we are in New York, we can open this application, and select the bar. Quickly, we will receive information on bars that are in the area where we are. Thus, the form is responsible for defining relevant data from our geolocation. Of course, this takes advantage of the phone's GPS.

In addition to receiving information, we can see the average score they have given users. Such applications are not uncommon in the Apple iPhone platform, but there was nothing similar to Google's Android. And most likely begin to appear more and more options of this type for other operating systems such as Symbian (Nokia), Blackberry or Mobile OS.

Of course, this issue marks a trend that travelers will increasingly incorporate tools into their mobile phones to take advantage of their trips. Something that will surely lead to more developers to create tools for this growing market.

Another of this applications for example is Yeay. Yeay is the ultimate in terms of tourism using mobile phones, and therefore functions as a tour guide. These functions are:
- Translator, which has the potential to be translated into 5 languages (English, Spanish, French, German and Italian), so that tourists can communicate without any problem.
- Weather forecast for to know the weather will do in the next few days so we can plan some other activities.
- Events, which shows recent events, for entertainment, music, art, news ... so if you'rebored or do not know what to do, it will be because we want.
The most important option is the MAP module, which shows a street in which it appearsour current position. Also offers other options like:
- Public Transportation (in development)
- Record Route: Allows you to record and view custom routes
- Compass
- Go to ...: We can move from one place to another easily
- Nearby Places: With this option, starting from the position where we are, shows theRestaurants, Bars, Museums, Shops ... more nearby. When choosing one, we can call to reserve a table, see their web site showing the route or view comments about it.
- Augmented Reality (Beta)

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

Social networking and Tourism

Social networking websites have invaded and are today the most widely used serviceon the Internet after email.
It is for this that have gained massive services like Facebook and Hi-5 among manyothers, that tourism has had to collect 2.0 usage trends to attract users, to attract attention and to participate actively where the action takes place: within social networks.
But besides that have become massive social networks are causing a shift in how we connect to the Internet and use it.
And is that more and more aspects of everyday life that are a reflection on the Net because they are more and more things we do electronically, using a variety of internet services that are integrated into a network.
Search, find, store, manage, share, are actions that repeatedly performed on the we band social networks have managed to integrate in their proposals and services.
It is because social networks have taken our social issues more forcefully on the Internet, leaving a click away the power to contact a colleague, friend, customer or supplier. Naturally, tourism services could not stay away from streaming worldwide.
The reason is simple and is what pushed the professionals and businesses to be within the networks: a world of possibilities to expand the virtual real and get thousands of potential customers with only posting a message on the wall seems a tempting one to advertise cheap, and it is.
Because social networks are also a place of relaxation, a medium that has become massive and unlimited where users are looking for everything they need and share it with those who know they may be interested.
In other words, social networks are today what the mouth was half a century ago, only enhanced by technology and crowded by the lack of boundaries that allows the web.
If you want to test you just use Facebook to look for tourist services, become a Fan of tourist destinations, check billboards, chasing rock bands and learn more about everything that interests you.

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011


A podcast is like an audio magazine subscription, the subscriber receives regular audio programs via Internet so you can listen at your leisure. The word is a combination of two terms: iPod (music device) and broadcasting (distribution of audio, video ...).

The Podcasts method differs from traditional Internet audio on two things. In the past, listeners had to listen to Internet radio within a schedule or, should download individual files from web pages. The Podcasts are more flexible and easier to operate. Users can listen to a song at any time on your computer or portable music device and the songs are delivered automatically to subscribers, if you need to download music previously. Podcasting is TiVo-like functionality (can play outside programs broadcast schedule).

How to make podcasting

One you have to download any of the RSS programs designed to add new 'feeds' sound, for example:

iPodder (Windows, Mac or Linux)
Jager (Windows, Mac or Linux)
Doppler (Windows)
Nimiq (Windows)
iPodderX (Mac)
Sparks! (Mac)
Bashpodder (Linux)

Two. Choose one of the sites 'web' that makes podcasting on the Internet and subscribe to its list of 'added'. The new songs will appear automatically on your list as they appear on the Web

Three: After obtaining the new files, the computer goes down to the MP3 file and put it into your music player, iTunes, Windows Media Player ...- And you can hear on your player from the PC or do it from your portable MP3 player.

Podcast and Tourism

The podcast is becoming popular, and increasingly have more practical applications, such as sightseeing, guided by a speech podcast, called 'Sound podcast seeing': it only takes a tape recorder and a microphone to begin discussing your city walk buildings, monuments, etc.

Where to find sites that are dedicated to making podcasting

Podcast Alley
IT Conversations

In Spanish:

martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

Virtual reality applied to tourism

The virtual reality concept is associated with special effects movies or interactive games
generation, although these creations computer seems to gradually occupy
more space in our lives. One of the latest additions to the virtual reality
precisely the world of tourism, destinations, hotels, leisure facilities such museums, excursions, etc. where this new information technology enables
solve some of the teaching and communication problems that until now was impossible.

This is the latest revolution in computer image processing, with a series of
programming languages that allow the reconstruction of 2D artwork and 3D models
extraordinary quality and realism. In the field of technology, virtual reality is evolving very quickly and is used as programming language the met language virtual reality(VRML), although in the future expect innovations in the field of Java 3D. As a result of their application,
can make digital video clips in AVI or MOV who have their own narrative script of 180-360 º panoramic images or interactive 3D images through from which you can navigate with the help of a menu.

Virtual Reality allows the simulation of the model or world which is going to experience, the user has the opportunity to interact with the system and get the perception and immersion in the virtual world created by the devices. This experience is possible by generating real-time imaging and three-dimensionality and depth of objects.

As an example this Spanish web site where virtual reality allows us to see and know almost exactly a lot of destinations. This website offers the possibility to select locations all over Spain, including routes. http://www.viajesvirtuales.es/

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Success Factors in social Media Marketing

Social networks and marketing, 2009 was the year of the expansion of social networks, the 2010 is the consolidation of these applications as a space to develop marketing and communication strategies.
There's no business that wants to be in social media, and are having to learn very quickly to take advantage of all opportunities offered by the users to share content with one or another form. The Web in real time, the active assessment of consumers and advertising 2.0 are key factors that determine corporate success and will leave behind companies that do not know adapter
Communication and Marketing are some of the sectors that have evolved rapidly in recent years. Internet and new media have made it possible that every day there are new solutions, tools and business models that are to be the revolution in the coming years.
The video shows what types of SoM platforms are used. Facebook is the most used.
Recently an investigation was made between suppliers, agencies and experts to determine the criteria for success and develop a work plan for the best practices for companies through Facebook pages.

However, the findings of the study indicated that nearly half the brands tested did not really exploit the potential and possibilities of social networks to activate the effect of "word of mouth", which is considered the most characteristic behavior of this type of media .

However, in this scenario "slightly ripe" highlights some brands such as Pampers, Macy's, Kohl's, or Axe found on the right track when you achieve success in marketing in Facebook pages

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010


The video shows an old city yet modern with a perfect mix between history and modernity. A dynamic and cosmopolitan city where you can find everything, art, sports, movies, theaters, concerts, lively nightlife, fashion, rich and varied gastronomy ...
Besides having a wide range of leisure, Madrid also teaches us that, thanks to its modern infrastucture, transport and hotel industry is one of the most visited cities in the world but while Madrid is much more than the city tourism . Madrid also offers rural tourism, nature, cultural, gastronomic ... etc. Because the idea that they want to Madrid is that it has something for everyone.