martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

Virtual reality applied to tourism

The virtual reality concept is associated with special effects movies or interactive games
generation, although these creations computer seems to gradually occupy
more space in our lives. One of the latest additions to the virtual reality
precisely the world of tourism, destinations, hotels, leisure facilities such museums, excursions, etc. where this new information technology enables
solve some of the teaching and communication problems that until now was impossible.

This is the latest revolution in computer image processing, with a series of
programming languages that allow the reconstruction of 2D artwork and 3D models
extraordinary quality and realism. In the field of technology, virtual reality is evolving very quickly and is used as programming language the met language virtual reality(VRML), although in the future expect innovations in the field of Java 3D. As a result of their application,
can make digital video clips in AVI or MOV who have their own narrative script of 180-360 º panoramic images or interactive 3D images through from which you can navigate with the help of a menu.

Virtual Reality allows the simulation of the model or world which is going to experience, the user has the opportunity to interact with the system and get the perception and immersion in the virtual world created by the devices. This experience is possible by generating real-time imaging and three-dimensionality and depth of objects.

As an example this Spanish web site where virtual reality allows us to see and know almost exactly a lot of destinations. This website offers the possibility to select locations all over Spain, including routes.

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Success Factors in social Media Marketing

Social networks and marketing, 2009 was the year of the expansion of social networks, the 2010 is the consolidation of these applications as a space to develop marketing and communication strategies.
There's no business that wants to be in social media, and are having to learn very quickly to take advantage of all opportunities offered by the users to share content with one or another form. The Web in real time, the active assessment of consumers and advertising 2.0 are key factors that determine corporate success and will leave behind companies that do not know adapter
Communication and Marketing are some of the sectors that have evolved rapidly in recent years. Internet and new media have made it possible that every day there are new solutions, tools and business models that are to be the revolution in the coming years.
The video shows what types of SoM platforms are used. Facebook is the most used.
Recently an investigation was made between suppliers, agencies and experts to determine the criteria for success and develop a work plan for the best practices for companies through Facebook pages.

However, the findings of the study indicated that nearly half the brands tested did not really exploit the potential and possibilities of social networks to activate the effect of "word of mouth", which is considered the most characteristic behavior of this type of media .

However, in this scenario "slightly ripe" highlights some brands such as Pampers, Macy's, Kohl's, or Axe found on the right track when you achieve success in marketing in Facebook pages

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010


The video shows an old city yet modern with a perfect mix between history and modernity. A dynamic and cosmopolitan city where you can find everything, art, sports, movies, theaters, concerts, lively nightlife, fashion, rich and varied gastronomy ...
Besides having a wide range of leisure, Madrid also teaches us that, thanks to its modern infrastucture, transport and hotel industry is one of the most visited cities in the world but while Madrid is much more than the city tourism . Madrid also offers rural tourism, nature, cultural, gastronomic ... etc. Because the idea that they want to Madrid is that it has something for everyone.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

New technologies applied to tourism : GPS

The GPS (Global Positioning System: Global Positioning System) or NAVSTAR-GPS1 is a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) that determines the entire world the position of an object, a person, vehicle or vessel, with accuracy to the centimeter (when using differential GPS); usually a few meters of accuracy. Although his invention is attributed to the French and Belgian governments, the system was developed, installed and currently operated by the Department of Defense United States.
GPS works through a network of 32 satellites (28 operational and 4 back) in orbit around the globe, at 20,200 km, with synchronized paths to cover the entire surface of the Earth. When you want to determine the position, the receiver is used to automatically locate it at least three satellites in the network, which receives a signal indicating identification and clock hours each. Based on these signals, the device synchronizes the GPS clock and calculates the time it takes to get the signals to the computer, and thereby measure the distance to the satellite using triangulation (trilateration method versa), which is based to determine the distance of each satellite relative to the point of measurement. Knowing the distance is easily determined one's position relative to the three satellites. Knowing well the coordinates or position of each of the signal they emit, we obtain the absolute position or actual coordinates of the measurement. Also extreme accuracy is achieved in the GPS clock, similar to that of atomic clocks carried on board each satellite.

When we refer to the GPS guides do not speak only of famous guides as essential Campsa or Lonely Planet, which are added to the maps of some models from TomTom device or Nokia Maps software, or even Special Functions for pedestrians of the new maps. We talked about real bets to promote tourism, such as that announced by the manufacturer Mio and tourism promotion XATIC network, which have submitted Geo-Xating initiative, an activity to promote tourism and adventure through the GPS.

The Geo-Xating is an implementation inspired geocaching, a sort of treasure hunt game using GPS. Its website offers 10 hiking paths that reveal treasures of the Industrial Revolution in Catalonia. Each route contains 3 to 4 points that participants should visit to find a chest hidden. The boxes contain a gift and a seal to fill the card, which is downloaded on the web and certifies the routes taken. During the search, the visitors make several visits to fund activities and places that come into play.
In this system comes into play NavPix system, remember that photography is a geo-coordinates that are loaded directly into the GPS and take us to that place without entering any data, only the picture of the place that we want to go.

Thus, if a city we visit a famous landmark that we do not reach, we can avoid asking someone who does not know how to do it (usually the first I decided to ask about insurance) and simply insert a picture from that location and leave now the browser.

If you wish, there are tourist information services, such as Murcia, which give the possibility to download coordinates of restaurants or places of interest are engraved in your browser before you visit or walk around the city.

Less specific than the system we have maps and special features for pedestrians who are incorporating many manufacturers of mobile phones that incorporate GPS, which are becoming more and more. Nokia Maps without going any further.

This service from Nokia has a handy pedestrian navigation mode, which includes practical information to locate (buildings, parks, attractions ...) as well as information on public transport.

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Does IT matter? Nicholas Carr

Information technology (IT) is the study, design, development, application, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems , particularly software applications and computer hardware.
As it pertains to organizations within enterprises, IT represents an operational group that helps solve such problems as those related to data, information and knowledge capture, persistence, processing, brokering, discovery and rendering. Technology can help an organization improve its competitive advantage within the industry in which it resides and generate superior performance at a greater value. It is important to consider the overall value chain in technology development projects, as the challenge for the value creation is increasing with the growing competitiveness between organizations. The concept of value creation through technology is heavily dependent upon the alignment of technology and business strategies. While the value creation for an organization is a network of relationships between internal and external environments, technology plays a role in improving the overall value chain of an organization.
In this article, Nicholas Carr attacks the established idea that IT are essential for success. His theory, simple and clear, stems from an apparent paradox: IT are increasingly important as we become more powerful and that's the point spread and become more technology available to everyone. Through examples, the author shows how innovations in hardware and software quickly become part of the common infrastructure shared by all, which neutralizes its value as a competitive advantage. A similar phenomenon, says the author, as happened with previous technologies such as electricity and rail infrastructure.
In the World of tourism IT provide for both to consumers for identifying and purchasing suitable products and to suppliers for developing , managing and distributing their offerings on a global scale.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Global Distribution System

Today, about 190,000 travel agents book with approximately 600,000 terminals via the Global Distribution Systems (GDS), Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre and Worldspan. About this book four GDS companies and travel agencies, airline flights and hotel accommodation worldwide.
Detailed information about the four GDS companies,

Amadeus is the leading provider of Global Distribution Systems (GDS) used by the global travel and tourism industry in marketing, sales and logistics.
The comprehensive center for the GDS data processing Amadeus provides 61 870 travel agency locations and more than 10,520 airline sales offices, are the total of more than 269,900 points of sale in over 200 markets worldwide. With Amadeus, travel agencies and airline sales offices bookings with 467 airlines that represent more than 95% of the seating capacity of scheduled flights to make.
The system also allows access to 61,560 hotels, 48 car hire providers with about 24 400 stations, and other categories of providers, including ferries, trains, cruises, insurance and tours.

Sabre Travel Network, a Sabre Holdings company, provides access to the world's leading global distribution system (GDS). brought together in 1960, Sabre was the first system, the buyers and sellers of travel.
Sabre connects travel service providers - more than 400 airlines, 70,000 hotels, 37 car rental companies, nine cruise lines, 36 railroads and 232 tour operators - with 56,000 travel agencies worldwide. Sabre offers the most effective sales platform for service providers and travel agents real-time access to thousands of travel products of different vendors.

Galileo is one of the leading electronic travel distribution systems in the world. At more than 44,000 locations in 116 countries today, travel agencies and tour operators are using the computer reservation system. About Galileo you have access to more than a billion of tariffs 470 airlines and the services of more than 57,000 hotels and 24 car rental companies.

Worldspan is a leading travel technology companies with software solutions for travel suppliers, travel agencies, e-commerce sites and corporations worldwide. Worldspan links more than one of the fastest, most efficient and flexible networks and the latest computer technology 800 travel suppliers around the world and provides them with comprehensive electronic data services for a global customer base.

New technologies in the tourism sector

Since the beginning of the travel distribution, to the present day tourism has evolved significantly.
A clear example, tourism is undergoing a phenomenon called the Internet that has known how to transform and develop tourism. On the other hand the Internet has created jobs and income that country certainly no doubts exploit tourism as an economic good generator.
One of the most important factors to take into account today for travel agents is the Internet, as it will become very short term in a primary sales channel for customers and also for travel agents in some sense.
No doubt that with the introduction of Internet to the tourism industry have been able to achieve great benefits such as: the improvement of tourist companies' operations, better understand customer needs, provide better service delivery, reaching a greater number of customers, new markets and optimize its resources achieving greater efficiency.
There are many examples we can mention the use of Internet in tourism online booking systems, online ticket sales, data systems to meet the needs of customers, among others. Although each day is more advanced in implementing the technology, tourism-related businesses have had to face the great challenge of changing the existing problems and begin to see technologies beyond simple computer systems but also as part of the strategic plan that will allow senior management to achieve competitive advantage.
Internet has been a great support material for multiple tourist information systems such as: the provision of tourist attractions based on high technology from virtual theme parks until the introduction of virtuality in the traditional cultural centers and museums. Also the management of destinations that are in the market and the network as package tours where you can access the offers of competitors.

Mozart Denkmall

